+ [2016-10-30T22:52:40Z] dtux madknight: yes
+ [2016-10-30T22:56:18Z] madknight dtux, okay but in my repo (for that i want a non custom domain) is no CNAME file and it is still hosted with my custom domain under a sub directory
+ [2016-10-30T22:57:05Z] dtux madknight: woah really? interesting
+ [2016-10-30T22:58:29Z] dtux woah woah woah, wtf... ok im seeing some weird behavior here... but it looks like im getting the result i want
+ [2016-10-30T22:59:24Z] dtux i deleted the CNAME on my user page repo, but my custom domain started 404ing, so i reverted that and now user.github.io/project redirects to my.custom.domain/project!

message no. 155224

Posted by madknight in #github at 2016-10-30T22:56:18Z

dtux, okay but in my repo (for that i want a non custom domain) is no CNAME file and it is still hosted with my custom domain under a sub directory
+ [2016-10-31T01:06:00Z] Intee Hey guys, every time I go to use git from my local machine to push to my github repo it doesn't work.
+ [2016-10-31T01:06:22Z] Intee Last week I fixed it, with help from someone here and haven't touched it since. Now its not working again :(
+ [2016-10-31T01:06:49Z] Intee Could someone just link me how to delete, recreate, relink to github and save my profile on my local machine again?
+ [2016-10-31T01:17:57Z] dtux Intee: you using git on the CLI? what is the output of `git remote -v`?
+ [2016-10-31T01:20:30Z] Intee Hey dtux yeah CLI and remote -v gives me " origin https://github.com/Intergage/AQInstall (fetch)