I'm having issues with Jekyll turning apostrophes in my site's md files into ’.
+[2013-12-27T15:59:38Z]igalicI need some help debugging repeatedly generated html output from textile +[2013-12-27T16:04:01Z]troyswansondo you have a link to source +[2013-12-27T16:09:45Z]igalichrm.. I've got a gist upload, but github is also rendering it repeatedly, which makes me wonder. https://gist.github.com/8148985 +[2013-12-27T16:09:58Z]igaliccompare this to the raw textile: https://gist.github.com/igalic/8148985/raw/f0d41144dbd0c330bfe780c8fbc812358530f9cf/2009-08-12-welcome-to-reality.textile +[2013-12-27T16:10:37Z]troyswansonwhoa, weird.