latest 20 messages by igalic

+ [2014-01-01T20:33:06Z] igalic *nod*
+ [2014-01-01T19:26:44Z] igalic Is there a canonical way to embed tweets in Jekyll?
+ [2013-12-30T23:41:32Z] igalic How do I sensibly set cache headers? I'm using Apache httpd and mod_expires, ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 month" -- which is not very good for objects like index.html and feed.xml ;)
+ [2013-12-27T17:20:44Z] igalic so much wtf..
+ [2013-12-27T16:39:49Z] igalic troyswanson: thanks for your help
+ [2013-12-27T16:37:42Z] igalic
+ [2013-12-27T16:28:56Z] igalic So it would appear that's a bug, indeed.
+ [2013-12-27T16:22:38Z] igalic troyswanson: I'm looking for the reference, but I can't seem to find it.
+ [2013-12-27T16:16:18Z] igalic I'm not sure in which world, but...
+ [2013-12-27T16:16:09Z] igalic troyswanson: yeah. It makes perfect sense.
+ [2013-12-27T16:15:14Z] igalic aaaah. Funny. I removed on trailing space under 'Aaah.. College.' and now it's rendered correctly.
+ [2013-12-27T16:14:17Z] igalic And there I thought I'd fare easier because there's only *one* rather than the 3208 options with markdown.
+ [2013-12-27T16:13:51Z] igalic troyswanson: from what I gather that would be redcloth.
+ [2013-12-27T16:11:44Z] igalic renders it correctly.
+ [2013-12-27T16:09:58Z] igalic compare this to the raw textile:
+ [2013-12-27T16:09:45Z] igalic hrm.. I've got a gist upload, but github is also rendering it repeatedly, which makes me wonder.
+ [2013-12-27T15:59:38Z] igalic I need some help debugging repeatedly generated html output from textile
+ [2013-12-24T16:44:52Z] igalic whee! That worked. (moved _posts/igors-resume.textile to igors/resume.textile and gave it a custom layout [page.html, which is based on layout, but doesn't include the date])
+ [2013-12-24T16:35:33Z] igalic shouldn't jekyll build -V say something about that?
+ [2013-12-24T16:33:13Z] igalic oh. I just realized it doesn't work that way.