+ [2016-11-12T15:05:56Z] TestingIRC what is its disk quota ?
+ [2016-11-12T15:06:18Z] ui1 TestingIRC, I think it is 1GB
+ [2016-11-12T15:07:37Z] ui1 TestingIRC, this illustrate GitHub Pages much better https://pages.github.com/
+ [2016-11-12T20:51:09Z] mrdvc is there a way to export my github page to a codepen?
+ [2016-11-12T22:40:34Z] mrdvc I have made changes to a repository. I pushed the changes to master. But my gh-pages branch says everything is up to date. But it is not... What did I do wrong?

message no. 156492

Posted by TestingIRC in #github at 2016-11-12T14:27:41Z

I run "git clone https://github.com/someprogramm/" and it did what I want
+ [2016-11-13T01:15:49Z] Guest62240 can someone help me please?
+ [2016-11-13T01:17:06Z] treehug88 Guest62240 what is your question?
+ [2016-11-13T01:17:35Z] Guest62240 I'm trying to submit my game to the Github Game-Off but I;m new to Git