latest 8 messages by ui1

+ [2016-11-12T15:07:37Z] ui1 TestingIRC, this illustrate GitHub Pages much better
+ [2016-11-12T15:06:18Z] ui1 TestingIRC, I think it is 1GB
+ [2016-11-12T15:05:38Z] ui1 TestingIRC, it hosts static website, for free
+ [2016-11-12T15:02:21Z] ui1 My first website, ever.
+ [2016-11-12T14:45:26Z] ui1 TestingIRC, okay
+ [2016-11-12T14:42:22Z] ui1 sonOfRa, I just have public project, I don't want private things, I don't need that thing at all, right?
+ [2016-11-12T14:41:42Z] ui1 sonOfRa, I didn't understand
+ [2016-11-12T14:40:20Z] ui1 I am a beginner in GitHub and programming. The thing (titled as "Danger Zone") is really scaring me, what is it?