+ [2016-11-15T20:10:55Z] sparr I've just discovered github will render CSV files by default
+ [2016-11-15T20:11:00Z] sparr that might be Good Enough for now
+ [2016-11-15T20:11:07Z] sparr https://github.com/sparr/2016-US-Presidential-Electors/blob/master/2016_Presidential_Electors.csv
+ [2016-11-15T20:12:45Z] DelphiWorld preaction: thanks. i made a contact
+ [2016-11-15T20:36:06Z] rindolf Hi all.

message no. 156658

Posted by logicp in #github at 2016-11-15T01:29:22Z

git newb here.. I tried to setup a repo on my server, but when I clone from it I just get the "git" files ( branches config description HEAD hooks info objects refs). Also, these files are only about 1/8th the size of my actual project.. so I'm wondering if I'm creating a remote repository properly
+ [2016-11-16T01:18:21Z] Kitty- When I click to create a fork, for some reason the repository of my fork is behind by a couple of months. I tried clicking fork again, but it still shows the 2 month old commits. Wondering if perhaps my repo is behind the latest commits because of a previous PR I did. Google fu wasn't of much help.
+ [2016-11-16T07:07:26Z] barq How can I undo or delete a commit from the github site?
+ [2016-11-16T07:16:55Z] preaction barq: delete it from your local machine, and then push it to github
+ [2016-11-16T07:17:46Z] preaction oh. you're already getting help somewhere else..
+ [2016-11-16T07:18:38Z] barq I thought there may be a github option that was not specific to git