+ [8 years ago] zmo I was wondering if there was a way to filter the list of commits on the /commits page?
+ [8 years ago] zmo like with the ?author=XXX option
+ [8 years ago] zmo I actually would love to be able to mimic the output of : git log --first-parent master
+ [8 years ago] zmo i.e.: only commits that were directly made to master, not to the merged branches
+ [8 years ago] rom1504 anddam: ``` is for multiline code, ` is for inline (one line) code

message no. 157788

Posted by zmo in #github at 2016-11-27T22:08:05Z

i.e.: only commits that were directly made to master, not to the merged branches
+ [8 years ago] kuzon hi i'm working in a VM behind a proxy. I'm using an enterprise github. when ever i'm trying yo clone its ending up with http error 501
+ [8 years ago] kuzon proxy settings are ok but still i'm unable to connect
+ [8 years ago] kuzon any help
+ [8 years ago] kuzon anyone around ?
+ [8 years ago] kuzon Hello anyone to help ?