+[2016-12-05T17:37:07Z]taui have fixed the issue now. +[2016-12-05T17:37:10Z]tauthank you rindolf. +[2016-12-05T17:37:30Z]rindolftau: you're welcome +[2016-12-05T18:32:40Z]acresearchjust signed up for github :-) +[2016-12-05T18:46:45Z]rindolfacresearch: nice
you can link to certain lines at a certain revision, is that what you want?
+[2016-12-06T08:06:26Z]gitseeker#/ +[2016-12-06T08:08:08Z]gitseekerWhat is the best way to pull git changes into a svn repo that will have its own changes ? +[2016-12-06T19:08:12Z]y3ckw7iai'm trying to push through sublime git and it's getting hung up at pushing from master to origin. just keeps loading +[2016-12-06T19:08:17Z]y3ckw7iaanyone experience anything like that? +[2016-12-06T20:04:02Z]elliot007yeah i've got an error too