+ [2017-01-02T22:33:08Z] jstein Hi, I pushed with my wrong user.email= setting and made a PR https://github.com/nplot/nplot/pull/2 I tried to fix this by setting the right user.email and running git commit --amend
+ [2017-01-02T22:33:32Z] jstein but I still see a wrong avatar on github.
+ [2017-01-02T22:33:48Z] jstein how can I fix this?
+ [2017-01-02T22:46:13Z] jstein git commit --amend --author="..." did the job.
+ [2017-01-02T22:46:22Z] jstein thank you for listening. Bye

message no. 160300

Posted by Abradler in #github at 2017-01-02T02:40:08Z

+ [2017-01-03T02:28:00Z] fsckd hi, what are the character restrictions in repository names? i wanted to have a '+' in my repository's name but i don't think it allows that.
+ [2017-01-03T08:29:12Z] TheWild hello
+ [2017-01-03T08:30:03Z] TheWild how comes? Some time ago I referenced issue A from issue B and after some time out of nothing the reference doesn't appear on B, but A still claims it is referenced.
+ [2017-01-03T09:18:08Z] manny_ Hi, I have put config files in .gitignore but when i push to git my config files still gets updated with local values. What should be the problem
+ [2017-01-03T13:02:24Z] beeman hi