latest 20 messages by jstein

+ [2017-01-21T12:34:34Z] jstein will I have to git clone it and make a "amend", or can this be done online?
+ [2017-01-21T12:33:44Z] jstein Hi, how can I change "Update text.xml" on in something more descriptive?
+ [2017-01-02T22:46:22Z] jstein thank you for listening. Bye
+ [2017-01-02T22:46:13Z] jstein git commit --amend --author="..." did the job.
+ [2017-01-02T22:33:48Z] jstein how can I fix this?
+ [2017-01-02T22:33:32Z] jstein but I still see a wrong avatar on github.
+ [2017-01-02T22:33:08Z] jstein Hi, I pushed with my wrong setting and made a PR I tried to fix this by setting the right and running git commit --amend
+ [2017-01-02T22:33:08Z] jstein vim opens, save without changes, then git push -f
+ [2016-10-16T12:52:54Z] jstein hippybear: really? I would expect, if I do git clone nplot, git branch my_patch ... edit, commit, and then git push it would go to origin/my_patch then
+ [2016-10-16T12:40:56Z] jstein I see. That was a misunderstanding. github thought I want to make a PR from "my branch" to "my master" instead of "my branch" to "nplot/nplot master"
+ [2016-10-16T12:39:29Z] jstein I expected, that "flatcone" would receive a mail about my PR, but he did not.
+ [2016-10-16T12:38:59Z] jstein hippybear: yes
+ [2016-10-16T12:35:22Z] jstein is this the ideal way to contribute? Fork -> lokal branch -> merge changes with local master -> push to origin fork -> pull request
+ [2016-10-16T12:34:01Z] jstein
+ [2016-10-16T12:33:58Z] jstein Hi, in the project nplot, I made a fork, then changes, then a pull request. But my collegue "flatcone" did not receive a pull request. Will I have to merge my branch with master first and repeat the pull request?
+ [2016-08-24T18:11:44Z] jstein milki: thank you
+ [2016-08-24T17:29:29Z] jstein is origin/foo the branch on github and /foo the same on my local system?
+ [2016-08-16T13:47:28Z] jstein Hi, I want to change the filename in from sys-apps/inxi/inxi-2.3.0.ebuild
+ [2016-08-16T13:47:28Z] jstein to sys-apps/inxi/inxi-2.3.0p20160419.ebuild but it does not work as expected. When I try it on the website, I get Err404
+ [2015-03-07T18:41:16Z] jstein I think it would be a bug, If the owner can not add new ones