+ [2017-01-07T20:21:02Z] Cihan looks like hair dryer for smurfs :P
+ [2017-01-07T20:21:02Z] Cihan airpods: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/GrO9oaeY/IMG_0775.JPG
+ [2017-01-07T20:24:01Z] KeyWeeUsr anyone anything?
+ [2017-01-07T22:10:31Z] Johnboy Hello, I have a question about the workflow on github if anyone can help. I have been working on a project via a fork and pushing changes to the original. I have now been given write access to the original. Should I remove my forked branch and develop directly to the original repo and avoid the pull requests, or should I create the pull request and merge the pull request in to the original? Thank you for your help.
+ [2017-01-07T22:38:15Z] leftriver03 Hello, when I try to push to my protected branch "master" (after merging in changes to develop) I get an error "Required status check "continuous-integration/travis-ci" is expected." how can I check the develop branch before pushing

message no. 160546

Posted by Cihan in #github at 2017-01-07T20:21:02Z

airpods: https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/GrO9oaeY/IMG_0775.JPG
+ [2017-01-08T01:38:14Z] regald_ Is it possible to track the location of someone who made a commit on GitHub?
+ [2017-01-08T01:38:39Z] regald_ Ip address
+ [2017-01-08T01:38:49Z] regald_ of a committer