+[2017-01-18T21:31:18Z]saintromualdwhere i can be able to (something)/(new), (repeat)/(to_infinity) +[2017-01-18T21:31:55Z]saintromualdI dont know how to write scripts, I would be willing to pay someone to do it for me, :) (in bitcoin) +[2017-01-18T21:33:26Z]saintromualdI am heading to sleep soon, but I am logged in all day. In case anyone is interested, thanks. :) +[2017-01-18T21:51:34Z]Seveassaintromuald: stick this in your bashrc +[2017-01-18T21:51:35Z]Seveasgc() { git clone https://github.com/$1; }
+[2017-01-19T01:30:46Z]olalondeHola +[2017-01-19T01:30:56Z]olalondeTrying to write a script that uses github API and git protocol +[2017-01-19T01:31:11Z]olalondeI've got an personal token which I use for creating a repo using the API +[2017-01-19T01:31:24Z]olalondenow, I need to do a `git push` to put some code in the repo +[2017-01-19T01:31:39Z]olalondewas wondering if it was possible to authenticate using the personal token + git