+[2017-01-25T18:18:32Z]tobiasvlnickdt: you can @username the person who asked you? you have pushed the new changes to the PR? +[2017-01-25T20:08:29Z]matsaman<sigh> could someone remind me the URI to get a tarball from a particular commit? +[2017-01-25T20:10:34Z]matsamangithub.com/owner/repo/tarball/hash +[2017-01-25T20:10:43Z]matsamansaved my IRC log now =) +[2017-01-25T21:16:54Z]nickdttobiasvl: Thanks for the reply. They are aware but I was trying to close like you can with an issue.
+[2017-01-25T23:56:02Z]ayeeI have ":scream_cat:" in a README.md for my github project, and it renders the emoji as a graphic +[2017-01-25T23:56:09Z]ayeehow can I make it render the ascii text isntead? +[2017-01-26T00:13:15Z]AciD`ayee, when you want to try some markdown, just edit a comment and hit preview before hitting send +[2017-01-26T00:14:41Z]nedbatAciD`: or edit a gist. I've been trying, and cannot figure out a way to use backslashes to subvert the emoji +[2017-01-26T00:22:41Z]AciD`ayee, a workaround is to use a zero space delimiter &zwnj; around the :