+ [2017-02-20T18:55:08Z] sparr they won't
+ [2017-02-20T18:56:05Z] sparr sorry for simple procedural questions... my master already has the three commits. how do I create a new branch without them, to cherry pick the latest commit into?
+ [2017-02-20T18:56:15Z] sparr that is, I want to branch off of a previous state, not the current state
+ [2017-02-20T18:56:48Z] FrozenFire Create a branch at the previous state ref, then cherry-pick that commit on top of it
+ [2017-02-20T18:59:05Z] FrozenFire e.g. git checkout -b <new_branch> <desired_ref>; git cherry-pick <commit_you_want>

message no. 164054

Posted by Seveas_ in #github at 2017-02-20T07:06:42Z

(assuming 'origin' is the repo the PR's are in)
+ [2017-02-21T00:42:53Z] llamapixel packtpub has a free github book today if you like to read organised documentation instead of random google fishing.
+ [2017-02-21T13:10:01Z] inad922 I'm making a python package and I would like to add a github "badge" to the documentation page. Could someone point me to a tutorial on how to do that? I don't know how to google for this.
+ [2017-02-21T13:10:33Z] tobiasvl inad922: you mean this one? https://github.com/blog/273-github-ribbons
+ [2017-02-21T13:11:22Z] inad922 tobiasvl: Yep. Thank you!