+ [2017-03-22T18:08:36Z] h1a1c0k1e1r1 benstrumental, maybe the account was removed?
+ [2017-03-22T18:10:15Z] benstrumental oh wow, why would that happen?
+ [2017-03-22T18:10:30Z] benstrumental I guess it could be for a variety of reasons..
+ [2017-03-22T18:15:04Z] benstrumental his account was flagged, and he has requested help from github.. hopefully it gets resolved soon.. we're right on the brink of a release!
+ [2017-03-22T18:25:49Z] benstrumental follow-up question: If any of our developers deleted their account, would all of their issues/PRs be removed from our project history on github?

message no. 166234

Posted by Mike11 in #github at 2017-03-22T11:48:45Z

Also, can you point to some examples that exist on github? ( I am only asking about the project management / version control process )
+ [2017-03-23T03:10:29Z] SReject Q pretaining to ghpages+jekyll: Assuming I have a craptop of includes, is there a way to automagically build a menu from said includes
+ [2017-03-23T03:11:58Z] SReject its all in a single page(index.html); but I've broken the page down into sections to make future editing easier. Instead of having to duplicate section headers as links in a menu I'm wondering if there is a way to have jekyll do it for me.
+ [2017-03-23T10:22:11Z] raz hmm. is there a way to configure an org so that members can create _only private_ repositories?
+ [2017-03-23T14:58:50Z] topcat has anyone an idea why the JS is 404 on this gh-pages link? http://birkdalehigh.club/countdown/ the data/exam.csv file downloads so it can't be the ignore file. repo: https://github.com/BirkdaleHigh/countdown/tree/gh-pages