latest 20 messages by PCatinean

+ [2020-02-27T16:07:10Z] PCatinean Is creating a deployment key, cloning, updating submodule and pushint the only way?
+ [2020-02-27T16:06:59Z] PCatinean Hey guys, I have a github private repo that adds a few submodules. In my gitlab instance I update those submodules and I just want to trigger github to pull the submodules when it's done
+ [2017-03-28T19:54:38Z] PCatinean Can I control it if it's pointed at my repo?
+ [2017-03-28T19:49:42Z] PCatinean is it possible to remove a commit from a PR via github?
+ [2017-02-14T18:49:16Z] PCatinean can anyone please tell me how I can specify the ssh key to be used when I try to make a git clone?
+ [2016-12-12T19:04:30Z] PCatinean how can I view the statistic for a repository from the upload date to today?
+ [2016-11-18T16:24:11Z] PCatinean Maybe I can delete it and re-make it
+ [2016-11-18T16:23:59Z] PCatinean ah I can rename but the Url still has caps
+ [2016-11-18T16:20:39Z] PCatinean after 18 minutes :(
+ [2016-11-18T16:20:35Z] PCatinean Dougie187, it still suggests I should compare and pull the other branch
+ [2016-11-18T16:11:58Z] PCatinean Also, how do I rename a organization and remove the capital letter and add a simple one
+ [2016-11-18T16:11:47Z] PCatinean I don't want to it's another version of the software
+ [2016-11-18T16:06:54Z] PCatinean Dougie187, allright, thanks :D
+ [2016-11-18T16:05:34Z] PCatinean How do I remove it? :))
+ [2016-11-18T16:05:31Z] PCatinean I made a new branch on gthub and it's suggesting compare & pull request but do not intend to