+ [2017-03-28T19:55:50Z] Infininight that's the branch I mean, if you update your repo that's what the PR is pointed at
+ [2017-03-28T19:56:21Z] Infininight the PR is auto-updated when you make changes to it
+ [2017-03-28T19:56:26Z] Infininight additions/removals/etc
+ [2017-03-28T22:32:53Z] MTecknology Here's an interesting one. Apparently the person that forked this just tossed an extra license on top - https://github.com/pingcap/go-hbase/blob/master/LICENSE
+ [2017-03-28T23:07:59Z] jimmyb Add all the licenses.

message no. 166636

Posted by Quark in #github at 2017-03-28T09:36:43Z

krihsna: yes. Create a file inside a directory, and the directory will stick.
+ [2017-03-30T01:17:47Z] kandinski ah, I'll answer my own question: 5 merge commits on master.
+ [2017-03-30T06:45:42Z] krihsna hi all, is anybody using mgit app to access github repository, is t
+ [2017-03-30T06:46:18Z] krihsna if so can you please share experience
+ [2017-03-30T07:06:49Z] watom- where is this project gone? https://github.com/shadowsocks/shadowsocks
+ [2017-03-30T13:26:03Z] Tims_Tech #hackerspaces.nl