latest 20 messages by Quark

+ [2017-03-30T15:59:37Z] Quark I wouldn't know where to start on that one. I would probably do the same OP did, and --- as we can see --- will fail. :-)
+ [2017-03-30T15:54:19Z] Quark A lawyer will first ask the OP, "what is MIT, what is GNU v3, and, most importantly, what is a "repository?"
+ [2017-03-28T09:36:43Z] Quark krihsna: yes. Create a file inside a directory, and the directory will stick.
+ [2015-03-25T15:53:38Z] Quark For example,
+ [2015-03-25T15:41:42Z] Quark Is there a way to use epoch on my permalinks?
+ [2015-01-22T19:09:14Z] Quark Well, I guess I found the solution: Atlassian Sourcetree.
+ [2015-01-22T18:52:40Z] Quark Everything I have tried has failed.
+ [2015-01-22T18:52:04Z] Quark Anyone please tell me how to install--and run--GitHub for Windows *without* administrative privileges from a chosen directory (for example, C:\Tools).
+ [2015-01-05T18:38:51Z] Quark Got it. Thanks for the help! :-)
+ [2015-01-05T18:22:32Z] Quark The updated pastie,
+ [2015-01-05T18:20:07Z] Quark pontiki, I got it, so it will not spit "Current year posts" if there are no posts on current year, but it will not show the header (2014, in this case).
+ [2015-01-05T17:56:31Z] Quark pontiki, like me dabble with it. I know nothing about Liquid, but it seems logical enough. Thanks!
+ [2015-01-05T17:46:14Z] Quark Anyone knowledgeable on Liquid that could take a look at the following small "pastie?" -- The issue is that the current year shows last year posts, because there is no post for this year yet. Example at Thanks in advance for any help.
+ [2014-01-31T19:05:27Z] Quark Do you know of any such plugin, or have a tip on creating one? I know little to nothing of Ruby.
+ [2014-01-31T19:04:07Z] Quark That is what I was asking for.
+ [2014-01-31T19:03:37Z] Quark Specific paragraph, I should have said.
+ [2014-01-31T19:03:19Z] Quark So I can refer to a specific line by it, for example.
+ [2014-01-31T19:02:26Z] Quark I want all my <p> per post/entry to have a uniquely generated id in the form, for example, <p id="23">.
+ [2014-01-31T19:00:24Z] Quark Hmm, <p> are generated but chose processor (kramdown, maruku, etc.), aren't they?
+ [2014-01-31T18:58:32Z] Quark Is there a way (via plugin, or anything else) to add an id to <p>?