+ [2017-05-06T21:00:34Z] rindolf RxMcDonald: ping
+ [2017-05-06T21:37:47Z] RxMcDonald rindolf: sorry, it's fixed now :)
+ [2017-05-06T22:19:29Z] dtux Is it normal for the github/pages check to take longer than my Travis build?
+ [2017-05-06T22:19:37Z] dtux (I just enabled it for the first time.)
+ [2017-05-06T22:41:22Z] dtux It seems to just hang.

message no. 168290

Posted by davisonio in #github at 2017-05-06T08:41:19Z

Shouldn't be too complicated
+ [2017-05-07T03:13:50Z] dtux Is it normal for the github/pages check to take a long time? It seems to just hang for me.
+ [2017-05-07T09:40:45Z] BinaryDump I have some skills in dev and I'd like to contribute to projects, but I don't know which one to choose ? Some help ?
+ [2017-05-07T10:36:30Z] sugardrunk BinaryDump: please come and wash my dishes... it does not matter you have some skills in dev :)
+ [2017-05-07T10:36:48Z] sugardrunk BinaryDump: but for real just search https://github.com/explore for example if you are out of ideas