latest 15 messages by davisonio

+ [2017-05-13T08:05:18Z] davisonio dmtucker: no, owners will have full push access so will be able to commit ( unless you use some third party software)
+ [2017-05-06T08:41:19Z] davisonio Shouldn't be too complicated
+ [2017-05-06T08:41:15Z] davisonio It's a nice idea though - maybe I'll be able to hack together an app which does this
+ [2017-05-06T07:54:05Z] davisonio Just watch the whole repo and you'll be notified on every file change
+ [2017-05-06T07:53:53Z] davisonio m4sk1n: I don't think you can do it on one specific file
+ [2017-05-04T11:58:25Z] davisonio If author closes it both parties can reopen
+ [2017-05-04T11:58:14Z] davisonio If the maintainer closes it only the maintainer can reopen
+ [2016-06-17T16:05:33Z] davisonio salty-horse: try doing this <p>:foo:</p>
+ [2016-03-05T21:29:00Z] davisonio inquisitor, it allows you to make changes to someone else's code; contribute.
+ [2016-03-05T17:52:11Z] davisonio There's a list here btw
+ [2016-03-05T17:50:10Z] davisonio Find some open source games and see if you can help :)
+ [2016-03-05T17:47:49Z] davisonio Many ways you can contribute to open source
+ [2016-03-05T17:47:33Z] davisonio What aspect of contribution?
+ [2016-03-05T17:02:26Z] davisonio Sajaki, try clearing cache?