+ [2017-05-10T18:59:07Z] roy_ see you guys later
+ [2017-05-10T19:49:14Z] linux_dr I was just about to file/check a project issue, and found the “Issues” button missing… Did I miss something?
+ [2017-05-10T19:50:29Z] linux_dr or perhaps it’s hidable on a per-project basis?
+ [2017-05-10T19:57:21Z] jhass yes, the issue tracker one can disable
+ [2017-05-10T21:03:46Z] linux_dr Ok… thanks… found it… had an issue tracker elsewhere

message no. 168545

Posted by brimonk in #github at 2017-05-10T04:39:26Z

Is there a way that I can set my repo so that I can approve my own pull requests?
+ [2017-05-11T01:33:16Z] khj how do i delete file on github?
+ [2017-05-11T03:12:39Z] sugardrunk khj: clone the repo, delete the file and then then add, commit and push
+ [2017-05-11T03:13:02Z] sugardrunk if it is your own :)
+ [2017-05-11T03:13:28Z] sugardrunk that is one way to do it at least
+ [2017-05-11T03:13:51Z] sugardrunk but via the page, dont think it is possible?