+[2017-06-13T10:04:43Z]thomasberendsHi. I'm having an issue with Github Pages. Website is online and works, but pages has no titles. I thought I just needed to add --- \n title: <page title> \n --- to the .md files, and then it would be fixed, however, that resulted in a 404 on the page. Website is here: https://thomasberends.github.io/symfony-certification-preparation-list/ , project is here: https://github.com/ThomasBerends/symfony-certification-preparation-lis +[2017-06-13T10:05:54Z]thomasberendsI've tested it for a subpage 2 hours ago. Page is still online, but no title there either. +[2017-06-13T11:12:36Z]ShapeshifterHi. It seems like using the search function on the website, I get different results from using the github search api. Is this normal? Are the API results more accurate? Compare this: https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=language%3AJava+fork%3Afalse&type=Repositories +[2017-06-13T11:12:44Z]Shapeshifterto this: wget -O - -q "https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=language:Java+fork:false&sort=stars&order=desc" | jq '.items[].git_url' | sed -e 's/^"//g;s/"$//g' +[2017-06-13T15:41:27Z]jberkushey, I'm an organization admin, and one of the org members has reported that "publishing to github pages is prohibited in this organization". I'd like to fix that, but I can't find a github pages permission anywhere. where is it?
what does "Unregistered VCS root detected actually mean?
+[2017-06-14T19:49:28Z]sharkhatHi all +[2017-06-14T19:50:18Z]sharkhatour institution has a github enterprize account, I am semi new to github, i was wondering how to create a high level project container like this https://github.com/thingsboard in which several related projects will live +[2017-06-14T19:50:32Z]sharkhatanyone have documentation on that, or even know what its called so I can search for it? +[2017-06-14T19:52:24Z]sharkhati can only see how to make a repository, and not a project page with several repositories within? +[2017-06-14T19:55:03Z]sharkhatis it called an 'organization' ?