latest 3 messages by Shapeshifter

+ [2017-06-29T08:59:08Z] Shapeshifter Is there any way to find repositories with a minimum number of commits? I'm currently querying for language:java sort=stars but (a) there are a bunch of repositories which don't really contain code but rather tutorials or other documentation and (b) some of the projects have very few commits, as little as 2.
+ [2017-06-13T11:12:44Z] Shapeshifter to this: wget -O - -q "" | jq '.items[].git_url' | sed -e 's/^"//g;s/"$//g'
+ [2017-06-13T11:12:36Z] Shapeshifter Hi. It seems like using the search function on the website, I get different results from using the github search api. Is this normal? Are the API results more accurate? Compare this: