+ [2017-06-15T16:28:51Z] ash_workz like set the page dir as a variable in the config and pass it to the _layout (which would pass it to the include)
+ [2017-06-15T16:29:05Z] ash_workz it just seems like an awful lot of work to accomplish a simple goal
+ [2017-06-15T16:31:29Z] allejo could you use site.docs instead of include.docs?
+ [2017-06-15T16:31:50Z] allejo or is it unique?
+ [2017-06-15T16:32:13Z] allejo if so, you could probably pass `page.docs` (or whatever) from a _layout

message no. 169629

Posted by binni in #jekyll at 2017-06-15T10:10:18Z

I want to use a custom theme for a GitHub Pages site but GEM themes are whitelisted by GitHub ( https://pages.github.com/themes/ ), I could mix the theme with my sites dir structure but it would be a pain to update in the future.
+ [2017-06-16T20:25:12Z] ash_workz I mean, I could've perhaps done {if old contains string} new = new | join '|'; new = new | append: '|' | append string; new | split '|'; {endif}
+ [2017-06-16T20:26:01Z] ash_workz allejo: is there a way to include *toc in a template?
+ [2017-06-16T20:26:11Z] ash_workz allejo: I mean a layout
+ [2017-06-16T20:42:40Z] allejo with a plugin it's possible. also I wrote up a liquid only solution if you'd want that
+ [2017-06-16T20:43:07Z] allejo but there's no way to use kramdown's toc snippet from a layout to my knowledge