+ [2017-06-27T16:43:50Z] jekyllrb Title: Are You Ready? (Y/Y) - DOTSLASHLINUX (at www.dotslashlinux.com)
+ [2017-06-27T16:43:56Z] firas please check it out
+ [2017-06-27T16:44:00Z] firas and try going to page2
+ [2017-06-27T16:44:12Z] firas I'm a bit new so I don't know how to implement it correctly but Ill check the links
+ [2017-06-27T16:46:40Z] firas any ideas?

message no. 169910

Posted by firas in #jekyll at 2017-06-27T16:41:26Z

Another question is that how can I make a [CurrentPage/TotalPages] via pagination that actually works?
+ [2017-06-29T20:21:26Z] ski7777 jekyll 3.1.6 | Error: Invalid hook. site supports only the following hooks [:after_reset, :post_read, :pre_render, :post_render, :post_write]
+ [2017-06-29T20:21:29Z] ski7777 What to do?
+ [2017-06-29T20:21:37Z] ski7777 https://github.com/ftCommunity/ftcommunity-TXT/tree/master/docs
+ [2017-06-29T20:21:38Z] jekyllrb Title: ftcommunity-TXT/docs at master · ftCommunity/ftcommunity-TXT · GitHub (at github.com)