+ [2019-03-03T02:48:04Z] nedbat acresearch: you should not be worried.
+ [2019-03-03T02:48:21Z] acresearch nedbat: ok,, thanks :-)
+ [2019-03-03T14:51:47Z] j`ey in a PR, can you rebase + commit a series of commits, without merging and without squashing? Or do you need to create a PR for each change?
+ [2019-03-03T15:26:57Z] wondiws Am I the only one with this problem? When I upload something to my github webpage, I can't initially load those files in the webbrowser, only the pages from the previous revision, when I do another (bogus) push now, I will probably be able to open the html
+ [2019-03-03T15:27:14Z] wondiws I can see the code online ofcourse of the HTML

message no. 170223

Posted by acresearch in #github at 2019-03-03T02:36:48Z

people, someone forked one of my projects without me knowing, what does this mean? are they stealing credit for it? are they trying to compete with me? can someone explain to me the community rules i am new
+ [2019-03-04T04:19:31Z] toothe Hi all. Is there a way to *require* that all future commits are signed?
+ [2019-03-04T07:20:37Z] tya99 hmm when i fork something on github that has CRLF it seems that github changes it to LF when i checkout
+ [2019-03-04T07:21:00Z] tya99 even though i've changed the setting git config --global core.autocrlf false
+ [2019-03-04T07:21:07Z] tya99 https://git-scm.com/book/it/v2/Customizing-Git-Git-Configuration
+ [2019-03-04T07:21:21Z] tya99 basically i have been asked to make a PR that changes all the CRLFs to LFs