+[2019-03-03T02:48:04Z]nedbatacresearch: you should not be worried. +[2019-03-03T02:48:21Z]acresearchnedbat: ok,, thanks :-) +[2019-03-03T14:51:47Z]j`eyin a PR, can you rebase + commit a series of commits, without merging and without squashing? Or do you need to create a PR for each change? +[2019-03-03T15:26:57Z]wondiwsAm I the only one with this problem? When I upload something to my github webpage, I can't initially load those files in the webbrowser, only the pages from the previous revision, when I do another (bogus) push now, I will probably be able to open the html +[2019-03-03T15:27:14Z]wondiwsI can see the code online ofcourse of the HTML
+[2019-03-04T04:19:31Z]tootheHi all. Is there a way to *require* that all future commits are signed? +[2019-03-04T07:20:37Z]tya99hmm when i fork something on github that has CRLF it seems that github changes it to LF when i checkout +[2019-03-04T07:21:00Z]tya99even though i've changed the setting git config --global core.autocrlf false +[2019-03-04T07:21:07Z]tya99https://git-scm.com/book/it/v2/Customizing-Git-Git-Configuration +[2019-03-04T07:21:21Z]tya99basically i have been asked to make a PR that changes all the CRLFs to LFs