+[2019-03-05T19:32:49Z]oh4I'm trying to create a repository via the API like this: curl -u 'oh4' https://api.github.com/user/repos -d '{"name":"myrepo.git", "private":"true"}' BUT I want that repo to end up in a different org I manage and if I run the curl like that, it defaults it to my oh4 project . How do I specify the org I want that new repo in? +[2019-03-05T19:37:56Z]deltabPOST /orgs/:org/repos -- https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#create +[2019-03-05T20:14:21Z]oh4deltab: thanks! +[2019-03-05T21:04:50Z]Guest73037in the context of a github code review -- do people have particularly successful use flows that involve telling someone their commit message is incorrect and needs to be updated (which, yes, requires a force-push, or a brand new PR) before a PR gets merged? +[2019-03-05T21:05:16Z]atrus(whoops, didn't see I had that guest nick)
I suggest installing Stylus, which lets you write a stylesheet to fix things like that
+[2019-03-06T04:25:11Z]BoobieThere's no way to see even my own recent activity on Github +[2019-03-06T04:25:29Z]BoobieLike, what was that issue I commented on? +[2019-03-06T04:26:24Z]BoobieOnly *some* of them show up on the front page of "recent activity" +[2019-03-06T04:26:49Z]Boobiedid you comment on an closed issue? Not gonna show up on your recent activity +[2019-03-06T04:26:50Z]Boobieetc