latest 7 messages by atrus

+ [2019-09-25T21:13:36Z] atrus thanks jhass
+ [2019-09-25T21:13:28Z] atrus didn't try a gc -- we tried a repack -a and that didn't help. we can work around it, but there's still a mystery of what happened l'd love to understand if anybody has an idea :)
+ [2019-09-25T21:00:07Z] atrus (we wanted to keep a branch off the original in case we decided we had thrown away something important)
+ [2019-09-25T20:59:43Z] atrus jhass: would that potentially leave it in a unpacked state that's still triggering the check?
+ [2019-09-25T20:59:02Z] atrus jhass: yeah, we still have another branch refererencing it, but we're not trying to push it
+ [2019-09-25T20:55:42Z] atrus Trying to help a co-worker push a repo which used to have a >100mb file. The commit that added the file has been remove, and the file replaced with a much much smaller one, that should be fine. (it's a jupyter notebook that had a very large output cell). git log confirms that there's only one commit touching the file now, and the file is nice and small, but attempting to push to github is still rejecting it as being the original size. any thoughts?
+ [2019-03-05T21:05:16Z] atrus (whoops, didn't see I had that guest nick)