+[2019-03-11T19:17:29Z]jlkj`ey: in the "Files changed" view, which is where the green button will take you, you can select to view a specific commit, or a specific file. A PR Review is however for the entire pull request as it currently sits, so while you can narrow the VIEW to specific commits, you can't necessarily provide a Review of just one of the commits. +[2019-03-11T19:18:25Z]j`eyyeah, I was hoping I could do. have asked them to split it up into several PRs +[2019-03-11T20:18:06Z]Richard_CavellFeature request for github: Have it automatically highlight in my source code where the bugs are. +[2019-03-11T20:18:10Z]Richard_CavellHaha jk +[2019-03-11T20:21:51Z]jlkRichard_Cavell: so, you joke, but there is an API for that. The Checks API allows a CI system to be able to tell GitHub where in the code it encountered a test failure, which will highlight and comment in the pull request code review where the problem is.
I'm not sure what the problem is. When issues are closed I don't see stuff
+[2019-03-12T09:18:30Z]spaceoneis it possible to expand all diffs in a commit via a certain link? e.g.: https://github.com/univention/univention-corporate-server/commit/2dd5a5a0947d23a6f747cc43c3a507a25fcf9de0?diff=split&short_path=c8af7a2#diff-c8af7a2458149e9ba8e1aa089b46cb7d → only the first file is visible +[2019-03-12T12:01:48Z]FilikunHey I'm new to github, Linux and docker and I'm trying to follow this guide to make Backups of my config files to Github but I can't seem to figure it out. https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/ecosystem/backup/backup_github/ +[2019-03-12T12:02:46Z]FilikunOn step 3 "$ git add ." I get "You've added another git repository inside your current repository" And the fun fact is that I didn't know I had one. What should I do? +[2019-03-12T12:03:43Z]spaceoneIt's a git question so the better channel is #git +[2019-03-12T12:04:41Z]Filikunspaceone: Ok ty