latest 9 messages by Richard_Cavell

+ [2019-03-18T19:41:06Z] Richard_Cavell It's BASIC but github is seeing the makefile as the primary thing I suppose.
+ [2019-03-18T19:29:36Z] Richard_Cavell Hello everyone. I have a github project and github has incorrectly identified which language the project is in. Can this be changed?
+ [2019-03-11T20:18:06Z] Richard_Cavell Feature request for github: Have it automatically highlight in my source code where the bugs are.
+ [2019-03-11T17:03:35Z] Richard_Cavell Hi everyone. I have created a tag on my github project but it points to the wrong commit. What do I do?
+ [2017-07-25T20:47:54Z] Richard_Cavell github lists my project as being in Visual Basic, but it's not. It's in BASIC from the 1980s, and assembly. Is there a way to correct this?
+ [2017-07-24T19:25:02Z] Richard_Cavell Hello. I have a project up on github that is written in 6809 assembly and Disk Extended Color BASIC (a 1980s Microsoft BASIC for the TRS-80 Color Computer 2). But github has labelled it as "Visual Basic". Is there a way I can change this?