+ [2019-03-13T21:47:00Z] jlk you could do that work locally and force push up the revised history
+ [2019-03-13T21:47:04Z] jlk but it'll be a force push
+ [2019-03-13T22:48:12Z] rond_ Hi! My branch is "N commits behind master". What should I do in order to not be behind master, but not overwrite my existing changes in local files?
+ [2019-03-13T22:48:29Z] rond_ Is git fetch what I'm looking for?
+ [2019-03-13T23:34:34Z] phalange hi folks, anyone know of a change in github two-factor? I can't login using firefox today, was ok yesterday. 60.5.2 ESR

message no. 170487

Posted by androi in #github at 2019-03-13T12:15:22Z

afterwards i should open the webpage through that url: username.github.io, but this page doesnt exist
+ [2019-03-14T01:48:02Z] amosbird Hello, how can I delete branches on github?
+ [2019-03-14T13:25:28Z] briian .wc
+ [2019-03-14T13:38:06Z] canton7 amosbird, man git branch -d
+ [2019-03-14T13:38:06Z] gitinfo amosbird: the git-branch manpage is available at https://gitirc.eu/git-branch.html
+ [2019-03-14T13:38:32Z] canton7 oh, sorry github UI question. "Branches" page, there's a red trashcan icon on the right