+ [2019-03-23T02:41:29Z] xmn Now a loittle stuck on using some sorting filters but, still like 85% done with jeyll related problem solving
+ [2019-03-23T02:42:20Z] xmn trying to understand how to make sorting work.
+ [2019-03-23T02:42:29Z] xmn code is, {% for casestudies in site.casestudies | in casestudies limit:3 | assign labels = site.casestudies | sort: 'order' %}
+ [2019-03-23T02:43:22Z] xmn trying to make it sort casestudies with a frntmt of order: 1
+ [2019-03-23T02:43:38Z] xmn Not expecting you to help just putting it out there.

message no. 170759

Posted by xmn in #jekyll at 2019-03-23T02:42:29Z

code is, {% for casestudies in site.casestudies | in casestudies limit:3 | assign labels = site.casestudies | sort: 'order' %}
+ [2019-03-24T10:05:57Z] Jojero Can I use jekyll even no internet? Bundler has errors about fetching gem meta data.
+ [2019-03-24T10:10:41Z] Jojero sorry I got dced. Is it okay if I use jekyll even no internet connection?
+ [2019-03-24T10:16:43Z] xmn_ Yes you can use it without internet, however you will loss remote gem loading of course. So if for example you set a local gem server you could use that. Or down the gems you need and load them later. Though I'm no expert so not sure how much work this would be.
+ [2019-03-24T10:17:04Z] xmn_ Hopefully someone else with more experience can chime in too.
+ [2019-03-27T17:34:24Z] cryptic0 Can I place a jekyll local site on Dropbox and execute "jekyll serve" from any computer with access to that dropbox folder?