+ [2019-03-29T13:26:48Z] onizu here's the url: onizu-db.github.io
+ [2019-03-29T13:26:55Z] onizu what am I missing?
+ [2019-03-29T20:29:31Z] totallyserious Hello everyone, what is a recommendation for a CMS to integrate with jekyll
+ [2019-03-29T21:14:46Z] xmn you may need to provide more info on your needs. There are more than a few. But they are mostly paid services.

message no. 170971

Posted by onizu in #jekyll at 2019-03-29T13:26:07Z

+ [2019-03-30T02:08:48Z] jaybe totallyserious: jekyll-admin
+ [2019-03-30T21:00:25Z] enginpost my site uses https, and my image paths are at //mysite.com/images/picture.jpg
+ [2019-03-30T21:01:07Z] enginpost how do I dynamically change //mysite.com to //localhost:3000 when I am running jekyll serve
+ [2019-03-31T13:21:24Z] jaybe variablize it when developing
+ [2019-03-31T18:47:09Z] kaokao Hello