+ [2019-04-18T18:16:39Z] rsrx I tried logging out of GH and logging in but still same issue
+ [2019-04-18T18:16:41Z] rsrx any ideas?
+ [2019-04-18T18:21:50Z] rsrx I also tried both from Chrome and Firefox
+ [2019-04-18T18:41:06Z] rsrx super weird
+ [2019-04-18T20:51:35Z] _Vi Why there is no link to list of my gists from primary Github userpage?

message no. 171808

Posted by anddam in #github at 2019-04-18T13:25:11Z

the mail alert for location change would seem strange to me
+ [2019-04-19T05:09:22Z] DarkPsydeLord hello quick question... is there a way to delete a folder from a repository?
+ [2019-04-19T08:26:04Z] gloomy hi there :)
+ [2019-04-19T08:26:11Z] gloomy Anyone else got a promotional email for the satellite conference in berlin ?
+ [2019-04-19T08:26:21Z] gloomy Seems interesting but a bit fishy also, they gave me a huge discount claiming I'm one of the largest github contributors in my country... which I somewhat doubt