latest 20 messages by _Vi
I don't remember Google searching for source code's special characters. The only things that reliably does that is now defunct Google Code Search and Hoogle.
How do I search Github specifically for occurrences of `guard!(`, not just all `guard`s?
Why there is no link to list of my gists from primary Github userpage?
Are there any plans to implement a voting "+1" counter for issues?
Shall I delete the repository beforehand?
milki, I want to "join", not "move".
milki, Don't understand. Which symlink?
How do I replace a repository with a redirect to my other repository? Two repositories are redundant and I going to make one merged.
basiclaser, Compressed: 305G B(2.5 GB of packfile indexes); Uncompressed: 2.7TB (heavily duplicate)
basiclaser, (Reaching the external HDD to make the measurement).
basiclaser, Means if add up all images stored there, including big-zero-bytes-block areas?
basiclaser, I use bup for backing up laptop (entire LVM snapshot images). The bup directory (compressed and deduplicated) is already 230GB and it works not super fast, but stable.
basiclaser, Small files gets stored as is (and you can even view diffs with git tools).
basiclaser, It splits big files to chunks like in rsync, and then stores only new chunks.
basiclaser, No. And you can't delete old thing without breaking new ones.
basiclaser, bup is geared towards space-efficient deduplicating backup. It should preserve file modes. You can also mount it as FUSE read-only filesystem.
basiclaser, There's also bup ( It allows you to store big and/or many files into Git (partially preserving acess by usual Git tools).
basiclaser, etckeeper turns "/etc" into a git repository. You may try extending it to "/" to turn your system into a git repository.
What wrong can happen if they are public?
Why "obviously"?