+ [6 years ago] xmn *default.html
+ [6 years ago] CaBa thanks for your input
+ [6 years ago] xmn sure thing. I would suggest taking another look at the basic startup jekyll project. Since I'm not using it as for blog post currently.
+ [6 years ago] xmn But yeah it seems like you may be missing some setup or configs.
+ [6 years ago] xmn Sorry can't pin it down for yah. :D

message no. 172217

Posted by CaBa in #jekyll at 2019-05-07T14:22:42Z

anything special to keep in mind when using github's jekyll?
+ [6 years ago] sixfingeredamish When I use for post in site.posts, I get 2 results for each post
+ [6 years ago] sixfingeredamish for example, I'll get: post1, post1/index, post2, post2/index
+ [6 years ago] uliwitness Hi, is this the right place to ask some questions about writing a Generator plugin for Jekyll? I want to generate several copies of a page (with different variables) and am having problems.
+ [6 years ago] mjorgensen This is a bit confusing. In the docs for collections and permalinks, it says the :output_ext variable is “included by default and usually unnecessary”, but it’s totally necessary because the generated URLs need to have the extension.