latest 12 messages by CaBa

+ [2019-05-07T16:55:37Z] CaBa thanks for your input
+ [2019-05-07T16:10:53Z] CaBa this is my setup
+ [2019-05-07T16:10:50Z] CaBa
+ [2019-05-07T16:09:53Z] CaBa xmn: thanks, I did set the base url in that matter though, i think
+ [2019-05-07T16:09:38Z] CaBa jaybe: that's the thing. the server really just returns the body, no header, no css references
+ [2019-05-07T14:22:42Z] CaBa anything special to keep in mind when using github's jekyll?
+ [2019-05-07T14:22:32Z] CaBa i'm trying to set up the blog style setup described on the jekyll page using github pages. however, the posts are not linked properly and when manually accessing them they are rended, but contain only the html body and nothing else
+ [2019-05-07T13:57:58Z] CaBa hi
+ [2015-02-12T10:49:44Z] CaBa or even better a way to link pages with absolute paths more conviniently, i.e. some easier way to do [Foobar]({{site.url}}/{{site.baseurl}}/PageName)
+ [2015-02-12T10:49:12Z] CaBa is there any shortcut variable for {{site.url}}/{{site.baseurl}}?
+ [2015-02-12T10:48:58Z] CaBa hi
+ [2015-02-12T10:48:56Z] CaBa ji