+ [2019-05-24T11:49:37Z] supajulia If you know what's wrong, I'd really appreciate your help
+ [2019-05-24T13:16:19Z] supajulia So! As crazy as it sounds, I just had to set 'permalink: /' in my home.md and 'permalink: /stories/' in stories.md. In case it might help another silly head like me ;p
+ [2019-05-24T13:16:43Z] supajulia All working as intended now. Thanks for making Jekyll, it's really an awesome project
+ [2019-05-24T13:16:50Z] supajulia A nice day to you all :)
+ [2019-05-24T13:17:09Z] jaybe :)

message no. 172498

Posted by supajulia in #jekyll at 2019-05-24T11:48:33Z

Hi! Is it okay to ask for help with plugins? I managed to get jekyll-paginate-v2 working, but not like I'd want it to.
+ [2019-05-27T06:42:25Z] a-l-e hi, i'm trying to setup a jekyll site with minima that always shows the dropdown navigation (currently it is only shown when the width shrinks...)
+ [2019-05-27T06:42:32Z] a-l-e does anybody know how to do it?
+ [2019-05-27T06:50:10Z] xmn you would probably need to change the media query for mobile to start at a larger size.
+ [2019-05-27T06:50:27Z] xmn not sure if this will help, https://mmistakes.github.io/minimal-mistakes/docs/navigation/
+ [2019-05-27T07:21:56Z] a-l-e sorry, i had to drop for a short while... any idea on how to force the drop down navigation with the minima team?