+ [2019-06-04T20:50:12Z] jesusrmx and the repository exists.
+ [2019-06-04T20:50:12Z] jesusrmx Please make sure you have the correct access rights
+ [2019-06-04T20:50:12Z] jesusrmx the error message is "fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
+ [2019-06-04T23:59:07Z] VG234 On the main github page -> Pull requests -> review requests, is there a way to query this infomation from the command line or from the API? I've looked at PyGithub, but to get the requests I need to poll through all the repos. Is it possible to get just the information contained on that page, at a given time?

message no. 172928

Posted by VG234 in #github at 2019-06-04T23:59:07Z

On the main github page -> Pull requests -> review requests, is there a way to query this infomation from the command line or from the API? I've looked at PyGithub, but to get the requests I need to poll through all the repos. Is it possible to get just the information contained on that page, at a given time?
+ [2019-06-05T07:41:18Z] birkoff I'm having trouble with vim's 'plugged' plugin manager cloning from a remote repository that isn't starting with https://www.github.com/... It says "Please make sure you have the correct access rights and repository exists". Repository exists confirmed. Secondly, I have just generated an SSH public key and registered it successfully on github.com for my account. Yet the problem persists.
+ [2019-06-05T07:42:30Z] birkoff PS: it started as a 'fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': terminal prompts disabled"
+ [2019-06-05T07:42:58Z] birkoff then I ran $ git config --global --add url."git@github.com:".insteadOf "https://github.com/"
+ [2019-06-05T07:44:35Z] birkoff I guess that it is related to the fact that in terminal I can input my passphrase but in the plugin manager I can't.
+ [2019-06-05T08:02:35Z] birkoff well I removed the lines git config command added to ~/.gitconfig and it seems to be working again