+ [6 years ago] L72g5sSq nevermind, figured it out
+ [6 years ago] L72g5sSq i guess this is the only way: https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-a-permanent-link-to-a-code-snippet
+ [6 years ago] DOMF I got some help in here recently on using the API to bulk create repos in an org from a list (thanks again for that!) I'm trying to now bulk archive repos, but I can't seem to get the org endpoint right. I gather you're supposed to curl -X PATCH and then send the json data but I can't find the right endpoint to use
+ [6 years ago] DOMF This has examples on editing repos using curl but not for orgs https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4777535/how-do-i-rename-a-github-repository-via-their-api
+ [6 years ago] DOMF and when I change to the org api endpoint I used for creation, I get a not found error from github

message no. 172950

Posted by R2robot in #github at 2019-06-06T02:56:45Z

how does it do what?
+ [6 years ago] Akuw hi, i am trying to upload new ssh key but i got " Key is already in use "
+ [6 years ago] Akuw but already deleted oldone
+ [6 years ago] Akuw i got this Hi user! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
+ [6 years ago] nedbat Akuw: you can't ssh to github