latest 9 messages by Akuw

+ [2019-06-07T15:29:42Z] Akuw ERROR: Repository not found.
+ [2019-06-07T15:29:32Z] Akuw git clone
+ [2019-06-07T15:27:47Z] Akuw already loaded ssh key
+ [2019-06-07T15:27:41Z] Akuw i am having problems to clone from private one
+ [2019-06-07T15:27:30Z] Akuw i know
+ [2019-06-07T15:19:18Z] Akuw i got this Hi user! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
+ [2019-06-07T15:16:25Z] Akuw but already deleted oldone
+ [2019-06-07T15:16:17Z] Akuw hi, i am trying to upload new ssh key but i got " Key is already in use "
+ [2019-05-14T21:26:24Z] Akuw hi, how can i syncronize 2 github repositories ?