+ [2019-06-12T07:31:54Z] bimawa Hey guys, can github do merge after check all tests automaticaly?
+ [2019-06-12T14:05:59Z] varazir do I need to be a git folder ( cloned) to update it or can I update all git I have on my client ?
+ [2019-06-12T15:35:43Z] jesopo do github webhooks follow 301/302s?
+ [2019-06-12T15:37:00Z] jesopo I'm going to change where my webhooks should go to and i want people to have time to change over
+ [2019-06-12T15:37:12Z] jesopo so I'm hoping I can just 302 the old webhook url over to the new one

message no. 173324

Posted by jesopo in #github at 2019-06-12T15:37:12Z

so I'm hoping I can just 302 the old webhook url over to the new one
+ [2019-06-13T06:39:18Z] toothe anyone know how to assign a reviewer?
+ [2019-06-13T07:10:12Z] circuitbone no one answered toothe so I goog'd https://help.github.com/en/articles/assigning-issues-and-pull-requests-to-other-github-users
+ [2019-06-13T07:11:45Z] toothe circuitbone: /me reads
+ [2019-06-13T07:14:27Z] toothe so, under that, I don't see any names listed
+ [2019-06-13T07:17:15Z] toothe Do I have to add the person to the project in some way?