+[2019-06-16T19:07:42Z]nedbatterabyte: and so: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570 +[2019-06-16T19:08:39Z]terabyteok great! thanks +[2019-06-16T22:18:25Z]Ryu945I am trying to setup docker so it has access to only one source code on github and not the entire account. I have added the public key to github and trying to figure out what to do from there. +[2019-06-16T22:45:58Z]R2robotRyu945: probably this: https://help.github.com/en/articles/permission-levels-for-a-user-account-repository Or this: https://help.github.com/en/articles/managing-team-access-to-an-organization-repository +[2019-06-16T22:51:20Z]Ryu945R2robot: I read through that and several other guides. Still trying to find a way to do it as collaborators can edit it. I want to give docker read only access to only one repository.
terabyte: and so: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570
+[2019-06-17T18:05:42Z]justthedoctorHello, I'm not very new to github, just the linux end of things, i have a repo on my linux that i cloned with git clone https://github.com/path now, i want to update that and only pull down the new edits i just synced, normally i would delete and rsync but this time i cant, how would i git .... theurl and update files to the repo's change's? +[2019-06-17T18:41:53Z]dmlloydgit fetch origin +[2019-06-17T18:41:56Z]dmlloydthat gets the changes +[2019-06-17T18:42:42Z]dmlloydthen you can either do: `git reset --hard origin/master` which will delete your local changes and replace them with upstream, `git rebase origin/master` which will rebase your changes on upstream, or otherwise merge them +[2019-06-17T23:03:11Z]magic_ninjaIs there any way to start an issue tracker for my fork.