+ [2019-06-28T17:56:48Z] R2robot create a folder, create a file in that folder, add the file via git add and commit. :)
+ [2019-06-28T17:57:35Z] androi that wasn't working.. i got then an error saying it's a submodule
+ [2019-06-28T17:57:49Z] R2robot then you left out a LOT of information
+ [2019-06-28T17:58:00Z] R2robot you said you wanted to add a sub folder. lol
+ [2019-06-28T17:58:25Z] androi yeah sorry :)

message no. 174021

Posted by CarlFK in #github at 2019-06-28T02:34:48Z

I could check the files in as 3 versions of foo.log, and diff the versions, but that seems kludgey
+ [2019-06-29T02:15:52Z] qacky maybe a dumb question but does github now require clone urls to innclude the trailinng .git ? Ex using "https://github.com/torvalds/linux.git" vs https://github.com/torvalds/linux" which worked a few days ago. Or is git itself borked. 1.7.1 works, does not
+ [2019-06-29T12:01:14Z] B|ack0p hi. i am using vscode v1.35 and i cant pull request my github repository
+ [2019-06-29T12:01:17Z] B|ack0p how can i do that?
+ [2019-06-29T12:01:24Z] B|ack0p in previous versions of vscode i was able to
+ [2019-06-29T12:01:36Z] B|ack0p it says "No git repositories found"