latest 20 messages by CarlFK

+ [5 years ago] CarlFK jhass: thanks.
+ [5 years ago] CarlFK can commit messages be edited? I want to promote this upstream...
+ [5 years ago] CarlFK catphish: i don't know ruby things, but I bet it will help here if you pastebin (or gist) your commands and conf files
+ [5 years ago] CarlFK lewix: that looks a bit like: ssh-import-id gh:CarlFK (adds all my keys I have on gh)
+ [5 years ago] CarlFK if not, make it so. :p
+ [5 years ago] CarlFK is there a "click here to open an issue about this line" ?
+ [5 years ago] CarlFK accounts are managed by people
+ [5 years ago] CarlFK orgs are managed by people
+ [5 years ago] CarlFK why is "To transfer repositories to an organization..." is different from "You can transfer your repository to any user account..."
+ [5 years ago] CarlFK and are the same "thing"
+ [5 years ago] CarlFK oh my - is there a way to merge 2 accounts ?
+ [5 years ago] CarlFK yes, that. thanks
+ [5 years ago] CarlFK this isn't about the communication, but what to click on gh to get the repo setup under the orgs account
+ [5 years ago] CarlFK jlk: so tell the org to fork it, then .. there is some process to make it upstream? to reverse the direction of what is a fork of what
+ [5 years ago] CarlFK kinda like a PR, but there isn't an upstream repo yet
+ [5 years ago] CarlFK what's the process for "Dear upstream org, here is a git repo."
+ [6 years ago] CarlFK but I can't find where it is referenced
+ [6 years ago] CarlFK says " mithro added a commit to mithro/conda-hdmi2usb-packages that referenced this issue on Apr 15 "
+ [6 years ago] CarlFK or see a list of all the project with wiki