+ [2019-07-27T18:23:09Z] energizer i tried https://github.com/bobvanderlinden/probot-auto-merge but it mostly doesn't work
+ [2019-07-27T18:23:31Z] energizer mergify.io doesn't work if you have branch restrictions on
+ [2019-07-27T18:23:38Z] energizer github actions is in closed beta
+ [2019-07-27T18:24:14Z] energizer bulldozer is the only remaining option i see, but i'd have to host it which might be pain
+ [2019-07-27T22:58:20Z] BlueProtoman Is it possible to give someone read-only access to a private GitHub repository? I want to give a trusted non-coder access to my repo, but I also want to make sure he doesn't accidentally make changes behind my back

message no. 174306

Posted by energizer in #github at 2019-07-27T18:23:01Z

anybody know a good bot that rebases and merges pull requests?
+ [2019-07-28T01:55:23Z] acidvegas does anyone know a way of parsing a github repos organization name fromthe command line? like to differentiate if its a user repo or org repo
+ [2019-07-28T02:28:43Z] BlueProtoman acidvegas: No, you can't tell by looking only at the name. But you can use the API
+ [2019-07-28T02:30:37Z] acidvegas BlueProtoman: can the api be interacted with via a shellscript
+ [2019-07-28T02:30:59Z] acidvegas been deving on https://github.com/acidvegas/stagit this project of mine
+ [2019-07-28T02:31:10Z] acidvegas trying to keep it pure shell, pure html/css (no js or anything)