latest 20 messages by acidvegas

+ [2020-03-25T01:24:40Z] acidvegas im quite away of using my eyeballs R2robot
+ [2020-03-25T01:24:31Z] acidvegas But i am making a script that needs to determine if that use is a users url or org url
+ [2020-03-25T00:59:47Z] acidvegas does the github api have a way to take the url of a repo and determine if it belongs to a person or a organization?
+ [2020-03-17T04:11:08Z] acidvegas like to tell if this is an org repo or a user repo
+ [2020-03-17T04:11:01Z] acidvegas from a repo using the api
+ [2020-03-17T04:10:56Z] acidvegas parse the organization name
+ [2020-03-17T04:10:50Z] acidvegas is there a way to
+ [2020-03-17T04:09:36Z] acidvegas <---------
+ [2019-07-28T02:38:41Z] acidvegas BlueProtoman thanks
+ [2019-07-28T02:32:29Z] acidvegas if not its in most major linux distro package repos
+ [2019-07-28T02:32:17Z] acidvegas most people ahve curl
+ [2019-07-28T02:32:15Z] acidvegas curl would prob be better so the other cli program isnt a dependency
+ [2019-07-28T02:31:10Z] acidvegas trying to keep it pure shell, pure html/css (no js or anything)
+ [2019-07-28T02:30:59Z] acidvegas been deving on this project of mine
+ [2019-07-28T02:30:37Z] acidvegas BlueProtoman: can the api be interacted with via a shellscript
+ [2019-07-28T01:55:23Z] acidvegas does anyone know a way of parsing a github repos organization name fromthe command line? like to differentiate if its a user repo or org repo
+ [2017-06-15T02:45:02Z] acidvegas for walking on thin ice
+ [2017-06-15T02:44:56Z] acidvegas thank god we have irc super heroes in here to ban legit chatters