+ [2019-10-06T19:44:30Z] DelphiWorld recent change to github search page is so inusefull
+ [2019-10-06T19:44:40Z] DelphiWorld its not well for accessibility
+ [2019-10-06T19:44:56Z] DelphiWorld search result must be in form of heading / title, not only just list
+ [2019-10-06T19:45:02Z] DelphiWorld <hX></hX>
+ [2019-10-06T19:57:42Z] canton7 DelphiWorld, there are no GitHub staff in here - only members of the community. I suggest you contact GitHub directly

message no. 174914

Posted by DelphiWorld in #github at 2019-10-06T19:44:19Z

+ [2019-10-07T07:48:04Z] neoclust how to remove perms for a github apps ? in a repo
+ [2019-10-07T17:10:15Z] sgen Does anyone have a working example of creating a repository by calling the github api with curl
+ [2019-10-07T17:10:27Z] sgen Im trying to troubleshoot my own
+ [2019-10-07T17:10:33Z] sgen Something is funky