+ [5 years ago] tang^ probably not
+ [5 years ago] tang^ support@github.com is your likely starting point
+ [5 years ago] jackal it was, 5 days ago, but no ack since then

message no. 175583

Posted by jackal in #github at 2019-10-31T17:54:16Z

it was, 5 days ago, but no ack since then
+ [5 years ago] rindolf Hi all! how do i get the youtube videos to work in (nsfw text but sfw images)- https://github.com/shlomif/MeToo-me-too/blob/master/README.asciidoc
+ [5 years ago] greyltc[m] I'm trying to upload an asset to a release
+ [5 years ago] greyltc[m] but the message I get back is:
+ [5 years ago] greyltc[m] `{"message":"Multipart form data required","request_id":"hex stuff here"}`
+ [5 years ago] greyltc[m] Anyone have any tips on how I can get my upload to work?